number: 566
Name: Anna
Location: Novosibirsk, Russia
Age: 25
Height: 164cm (5'5'')
Weight: 52kg ( 114 lbs)
Marital status: Divorced
Children: one son (4 y.o.)

Education: College
Foreign languages: English

Comments: " "I enjoy reading books, different kinds of sport - tennis, swimming, etc. I like to hike and picknics, I love the sun and I enjoy to be on the beach for tan. I like to cook and I try new recipes every day. I love children very much and I want to have a nice family with my loving husband and children. Also I love dogs and I want to have one in my future family. I'm very active person in life and I have wide interests. Some words about myself: I consider that I'm tender and loving person, with deep soul and understanding. I never cry or being mad - I'm optimist and I have realistic looks to life. I have good education and nice manners, I think that every lady has to have it. My proposals: serious relationship and possible marriage. Few words about a man I would like to meet: I want to meet a man of my dream, kind and loving of children, good family man and nice person in his soul. I hope that way to find the right person will work out, I'm waiting for you my right man. I know you are wonderful person with attractive appearance and you are beautiful inside too. I will be support for you in that life as you will be one for me. I don't look for amusements, I'm serious in my intentions. Where are you? Write me, please. Your russian lady waits for you".

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